Internet Shows
“Learning never exhausts the mind.”
The Learning Show
One day I had one of those “Hey, wouldn’t it be cool to produce an internet talk show about learning” moments we all have from time to time. I’d been working in Fortune 500 performance improvement and learning for over a decade at that point, so I was thinking big. You know, “late-night” style with a couple of young hosts, a cool band, informative interviews, segments, musical guests, you name it. Don't know what I was thinking, but that’s about as far the idea went.
Jump ahead a couple of years and there I am with the time and the inclination to try it. Of course, I had to put the kibosh on a couple of my earlier ideas like, the two young hosts, the cool band, the segments, musical guests, etc. Still, like the wild adventurer that I am, I had to try it anyway. It was really hard work. But, I loved doing it.
Detail: Talk Show
Inspired by: The crucial need for more entertaining and quality video concepts in the corporate learning space.
Tagline: "Don't stop learning!"
Description: The Learning Show, hosted by Leigh Gregory, is a fun 15 minute internet show focused on the learning industry. It features news, a top story, a special guest interview and a round up of upcoming events.
Status: 6 episode season

Show Credits
Executive Producer: Leigh Gregory
Producer: Marguerite Gregory
Directors: Bill Lae, Leigh Gregory
Announcer: Darin Heinis
Editor: Leigh Gregory
Audio Mixer: Darin Heinis
Graphics and Set Enhancements: Bill Lae
Music: Megatrax, AudioMicro
Sound Effects: AudioMicro
Virtual sets: Virtual Setworks